July 25: Photos from our month in rural Madagascar

Elaine, Rebecca and I returned to Deigo on Sunday after spending a month in rural Madagascar at the KOFAMA site. We lived in a tent, worked with American Peace Corps volunteers, and studied a river in the area. Being in the countryside for so long allowed me to experience Madagascar in a new way that I am grateful for. I learned a lot, and many insightful discussions took place between Elaine, Rebecca and I as we examined our experiences, Madagascar, and ourselves. I know it will be terribly difficult to sum up the past month and share some of the things that went through my head, so I’ve posted some pictures instead. Even these cannot fully express what I’ve seen. Becca and I keep commenting on the inadequacies of cameras to really capture reality. Also, I’ve been accused in the past of not taking enough pictures (sorry Dad!) and I feel like I may have fallen from grace again on this trip… Anyways, enjoy what I’ve posted for now. Elaine has way considerably pictures on facebook and on her blog! – Victoria 20120725-155054.jpg Madagascar Independence Day celebration in Antsaravibe, “Vignt-Six” 20120725-155125.jpg Our goat Jim, that we ate for “Vingt-Six” 20120725-155140.jpg Our Canada day celebration, beers and tsingy! 20120725-155210.jpg Malaria murals with Peace Corps 20120725-155218.jpg One of the murals: “Prevention, Symptoms, Cures” 20120725-155229.jpg Seeing the sunset from the tsingy 20120725-155240.jpg Characterizing the riverbed of the Little Mahavavy river 20120725-155256.jpg Sometimes it gets muddy in Madagascar, which causes Becca to become stuck while trying to do research 20120725-155312.jpg Rural Madagascar 20120725-162146.jpg Returning to Ankarana Park, sitting by the Green River 20120725-162322.jpg Some of our KOFamily members

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